Welcome to Savior of All...

Welcome to the website of Savior of All Lutheran Church in Cartersville, Georgia!  We are pleased that you have found us and we invite you to examine this site to see what we are all about.

Savior of All Lutheran Church is a friendly, unpretentious congregation.  We began as a mission congregation of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Syod in 1989.  Our beliefs and practices are grounded in the Holy Scriptures, and we believe, teach, and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the pure Word of God as it is faithfully defended in the Lutheran Confessions.

Our teachings emphasize the grace and forgiveness of God showered on humanity through the death and ressurection of Jesus Christ.  We are "evangelical," meaning that we stress the Biblical teaching that a person is saved ONLY by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ alone, not by "good works."  In short, we affirm the faith of the ancient Christian Church as defended and upheld by the Lutheran Reformation.

We at Savior of All believe that God is a God of unconditional love and forgiveness.  That's why He sent His one and only Son - Jesus Christ - to suffer, die, and rise up again for you and me!  Jesus, true God and true man, took humanity's sin upon Himself so that, through Him, all people could have the free gift of eternal life.  In other words, "holiness" is a gift given to us by God through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, not a condition we must meet before He accepts us.

No matter who you are or what your background, all are welcome here and we cordially invite you to worship with us!

God's Grace and Peace be yours always,

Pastor Mike